10th November 2023
Encouraging wildlife into your development
Your brand new energy efficient home is already helping you to save the planet. But there’s more you can do right now to encourage and support local wildlife, whilst enhancing your own environment & well-being at the same time.
Your development has been beautifully landscaped and planted to encourage wildlife and create a good environment to live. We know there's a lot to think about when you just move in, but don't neglect your new garden. The sooner you start planning it and doing the groundwork & maintenance, the sooner you will reap the rewards. Here's a few things you can think about straight away to encourage wildlife into your garden and keep it in good condition, so your whole family can enjoy it:
- NATURE HIGHWAYS: Please do not block the gaps in the fences or hedgerows, as they are designated pathways for hedgehogs, newts, toads & other wildlife to move around the development.
- PLANT CARE: Take good care of plants, trees and shrubs from day one, as these provide home and shelter for birds and insects. They also enhance the look of your garden and the development as a whole, which benefits everyone.
- LAWN CARE: Take care using the lawn mower and strimmers which use a mono-filament line, as they can damage the thin bark of young trees and shrubs. Heavy mowers can also damage the roots of plants & trees if care isn’t taken around the base.
- CONSTRUCTION: If you are planning an extension, conservatory or outbuilding in the future, damaging roots during construction could be an issue to the health of your trees.
- TURF CARE: Please do not park on grass as this disturbs the look of the turf.
- PESTICIDE USE: Avoid pesticides as they get into the food chain and cause harm to birds and other wildlife such as foxes, hedgehogs, rabbits and smaller mammals, not to mention domesticated pets. Try more natural methods of pest control so that the wildlife that feeds off insects in the food chain are kept healthy.
- AVOID POISON: Avoid de-icer, antifreeze and screen washes which contain ethylene glycol, as it’s poisonous to domesticated cats & dogs, as well as a danger to wildlife.
- BIRDS IN YOUR GARDEN: Encourage birds into your garden with feeders and bird-friendly planting. Why not add some nesting boxes, as some birds struggle to find safe places to raise their families?
- WILDFLOWERS & INSECTS: Wildflowers in beds or pots will encourage wildlife into your garden. So-called ‘weeds’ such as dandelions can support over 50 species of insects early in the year, when food is sparse.
- COLLECTING RAIN WATER: A water butt in you garden helps save this precious resource, as well as saving you money on your water bills as you look after your plants.
- WILDLIFE HOMES: Invest in bug and bee hotels to provide a safe hideaway for insects, which will in turn benefit your garden. Encourage hedgehogs by providing them a home too.
- BATS & SWIFTS: Bat & swift boxes provide much needed homes. Swift boxes should be ideally positioned under the eaves facing north westerly or north easterly, and bat boxes should be placed facing the southwest or southeast. Remember, bats are a protected species.
- RECYCLING WASTE: A compost heap is an excellent way of processing the kitchen and garden waste you generate throughout the year, and can do wonders for your soil. Why not start one now? All you need is a suitable container and a small space in your garden.
Enjoy your new garden and the nature that will thrive there.

- Be patient. It takes around two years for a full lawn to develop from turf.
- Keep off newly laid lawns as much as possible, especially if it has been laid during wet conditions or in the winter.
- If your lawn was laid in dry conditions, keep it well watered. Watering should take place in the morning or evening to avoid it from being scorched by the sun.
- Wait until roots stabilise the soil before mowing. New turf takes at least one season to settle properly. When you do mow it, do not cut it too short.
- Feed the lawn each spring (after last frost) and throughout the summer.
- During the autumn, aerate the lawn with a garden fork to allow healthy root growth and drainage.
- Shrinkage may appear where turf joins. This is perfectly normal and to be expected.
- Keep lawns aerated to improve drainage and prevent attacks from leatherjacks (crave fly larvae) which feed on grass roots and stem bases.
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